Mentor Posts
Career Fitter posted the best chance of getting hired if you are pursuing any one of these 12 careers in 2023. Now Let’s look at the highest-paying careers that are growing the fastest and careers that will be hiring the most in 2023.
华盛顿大学三年级 李同学, “随着留学潮的越来越大,把孩子送出国已经不是难事,但是如何让孩子在到了美国之后顺利的与美国教育方式这方面(从职业规划反推选择专业&定了专业后如何达到自己的目标职业)接轨,目前是没有机构给美留学生做辅导的,但这恰恰又是留美学生最需要的辅导和家长让孩子来美国之后的目的(开眼界长见识树立人生目标)”
Why consulting? Because it is hot in the job market, because companies are growing but still hesitant to bring on full time staff...they are hiring consultants.
Career Fitter posted the best chance of getting hired if you are pursuing any one of these 12 careers in 2023. Now Let’s look at the highest-paying careers that are growing the fastest and careers that will be hiring the most in 2023.
华盛顿大学三年级 李同学, “随着留学潮的越来越大,把孩子送出国已经不是难事,但是如何让孩子在到了美国之后顺利的与美国教育方式这方面(从职业规划反推选择专业&定了专业后如何达到自己的目标职业)接轨,目前是没有机构给美留学生做辅导的,但这恰恰又是留美学生最需要的辅导和家长让孩子来美国之后的目的(开眼界长见识树立人生目标)”
Why consulting? Because it is hot in the job market, because companies are growing but still hesitant to bring on full time staff...they are hiring consultants.