BOA Merrill Lynch Introduction美林证券(Merrill Lynch), 世界最著名的证券零售商和投资银行之一,总部位于美国纽约。作为世界的最大的金融管理咨询公司之一,它在财务世界响叮当的名字里占有一席之地。该公司在曼哈顿四号世界金融中心大厦占据了整个34层楼。美国银行于2009年1月1日完成其对美林证券330亿美元的收购。Merrill Lynch Program Introduction- Developing a book of business in order to meet and exceed the required performance hurdles
- Effectively sourcing prospective clients, capitalizing on referrals, assessing customer needs, through collaboration, delivering the full resources of Bank of America and Merrill Lynch to the client, and delivering highly customized solutions to meet client needs
- Recommending investment products and services that are suitable for prospects and clients based on their objectives, resources, time horizon, risk profile and preferences
- Balancing investment management, sales activities, customer service, new client development, administrative, compliance and personal growth and development according to both a day-to-day and longer-term plan
- Planning and managing resources (time, people, budget) to run an optimal practice
- Seeking the expertise of specialists, where appropriate, to identify, banking, lending, planning and investment solutions for a client
- Establishing and maintaining relationship with the management team and informing them of any circumstances that require supervisory attention/review/approval per compliance guidelines and policies
- Completing required training, obtaining industry licenses (Series 7 & 66), mastering assessments, maintaining continuing education requirements and meeting minimum performance standards
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