想要在一周内迅速提高professional communication skills?听着简直天方夜谭?完全不可能实现?不!只要你告诫自己少用以下三个词,你的职业沟通技巧将突飞猛进!虽然这三个词不能说是完全负面,禁止使用的,但是当他们出现在工作或者求职的邮件里时,真的会让你的邮件显得语气过重,很rude!“Actually”使用的情景通常是你在纠正别人的说法,并不只是字面理解的“事实上”的意思,用这个词一定要注意到这个深层含义。That wording felt a little misleading, so I changed it. Actually, I pulled that sentence from the website!Thanks for your feedback! I used that sentence because I found it on their site.Definitely, got it, I see, great point, makes sense对于很多严肃的话题,或者当你真的搞糟了事情的时候,“Sorry”这个词真的不足以表达你的歉意。它不仅太口语化,而且已经被用“烂了”,甚至会让你的道歉显得一点也不真诚!“I apologize.”则是更好的选择!它在日常中很少被使用,所以分量十足,人们会知道你是真的觉得没做好这件事很伤心很内疚!Last week, I blanked on an important meeting. When my boss asked what happened, I didn’t say, “Sorry, I forgot!” I said, “I apologize—it totally slipped my mind. From now on, I’ll check my Google Calendar as soon as I get to my desk in the morning so that doesn’t happen again.”You’re right, I apologize, Going forward I will…, I understand why you’re upset提到“Me”,不仅仅是想要避开这个词,而是想尽量避开它所代表的意思。它会让你看起来很自私,以自我为中心,这显然在工作环境下是不合适的。When you have a moment, could you please send me the info on next Wednesday’s campaign launch? I want to double-check a couple details before it goes live.When you have a moment, could you please send over next Wednesday’s campaign info? Double-checking a couple details before it goes live to make sure the client is happy!
8 years, 3 months