【内推】Software engineer
Sunnyvale, CA
Full Time
Dec. 6, 2016
Sponsor H1b

Skills – Required

  • Confident in designing, building, managing, and owning a growing and complex database. Your past experience should reflect success with something similar
  • Taking large heterogeneous datasets to deliver clean, synthesized streams of data into the world’s largest database of early stage private companies.
  • Extracting insights using parallel transformation and processing techniques such as Map-Reduce
  • Combining multiple sources of data from APIs, RSS feeds, and human input into a single, structured data store while dealing with issues of duplication, cross-referencing, relational structure, and non-relational/denormalized storage
  • Developing processes to monitor and ensure data integrity
  • Capturing data from human analysts and implementing QA processes
  • Dynamic languages such as Python
  • MySQL/PostgreSQL, document-based stores such as MongoDB or CouchDB, and key-value stores (Memcached, Redis); their distinct advantages, disadvantages, and trade-offs
  • Column-oriented stores (HBase, Cassandra), graph-oriented stores

Skills – Preferred

  • Working with cross-functional teams, analysts, mathematicians, and engineers on projects including text mining, structuring data, and extracting entities
  • Excited to find creative new ways to gain insights and information from a range of sources
  • You want to know everything there is to know about new and innovative companies
  • Ability and interest in evaluating new data sources


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