Job Description
Marketing and Business Development Consultant Intern
1. 愿意帮本公司寻找新客户,研究高科技行业与客户见面
Willing to help our company discover new clients, research high-tech companies, meet with clients, and generate lead.
2. 应该对中国,中国公司,硅谷科技行业环境熟悉并有强烈的热情
Should be familiar and have a strong interest in China, Chinese companies and the Silicon Valley tech industry
3. 英语,汉语沟通良好
Must have good English and Chinese communication skills
4. 商科或者HR专业,正在读MBA或已完成相关项目者优先考虑
Candidates who are business or HR majors, currently in or already have completed an MBA program will be considered first
5. 每个星期可以上班两,三天,最少15小时
Work two to three days per week,at least 15 hours.
6. 本岗位是时薪
This position is based on an hourly wage.
Must be able to work on-site at our office near Fremont
8. 熟悉ppt, excel, 等基本协同办公软件
Be familiar with ppt, excel and other basic computer software
9. 学生会或社区领导背景优先考虑
Student Union or community leadership is preferred but not necessary
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